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Jack and Tont Jimby Banana Disaster

February 4th 2011


Jack Tont and Tiloo debate the banana Crisis

Jack Tont and Tilloo debate the news

Hi fellow Jimbys (should that be Jimbies?) Tont and meself, being dual citizenship British/Australian, keep in touch with the news from down under and look….. see the headline from the Aussie Broadcasting Corporation a couple of days ago! With our new young cousin Tilloo (her in the centre of the pic) we are wracking our fluff to come up with a strategic response to this impending crisis. Should we broaden our diet??? Never. Should we buy up banana futures… missed the boat there, we fear. Just get our servants to cash in some savings as the price on the world banana market rockets…. Yeah, we think that’s the way to go. Oh, the worry of being a peace loving bananivore!

As we don’t know how to put news up on our page we hope you don’t mind doing it for us!

Many thanks

Jack, Tont and Tilloo, in Devon, UK