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Jimby with Beating Bowel Cancer Charity in London


Jimby outside the posh hotel

We stayed for two nights at a rather posh hotel. Luckily an Internet price was quite reasonable. Mick had a day at The Patient Forum with Beating Bowel Cancer followed by an evening reception at The House of Commons.

The following day one of his meetings at Macmillan made it a nice break for me and yet another chance to impress his friends. Important to us Jimbys that is.

Jimby and Mick in the longe of the posh hotel

What a time I had. The hotel was the St. Ermins which is near St Jame's Park. It was used by Members of Parliament before becoming an hotel. This is the staircase in the lounge after a few cups of coffee and a waiter kindly took the photo.

Jimby the receptionist

Had to have a go on reception and was made most welcome.

Jimby in bed

Even us Monkeys get tired at times and at least I got to sleep in a proper bed for a change. A change from being at home where we have a big low shelf to sleep on.

Jimby near Big Ben

After a day with Beating Bowel Cancer we made our way with many others towards the House of Commons and The Terrace Restaurant. Wondered if I would find someone to take a photo though. What a scoop it would be!

Jimby in The Terrace Restaurant House of Commons

So I made it! The House of Commons Terrace Restaurant. Not only that but Mick met a lady who's son he had coached at chess many years before. I managed a glass of wine and then chatted to the official photographer. A small bribe of a donation to the Charity enabled this photo to be taken. He He He! Mick had to send the donation as I haven't got a cheque book!

Jimby on Peterborough Station at end of journey

So after a hectic two days I finally ended up on Peterbough Station. Would love a ride in the engine but who knows perhaps next time.

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