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Jimby the Gardener

Page Two

Jimby gets a signwriter in.

Jimby gets a signwriter in.

They have fun halfway through

They have fun halfway through.

They all have a ride on the log

They all have a ride on the log.

Jimby has a new sign

Jimby puts his sign up

Jimby  moves his sign

Jimby moves his sign

Jimby poses for the camera

Jimby poses for the camera.

Jimby and J J have a rest

Jimby and J J have a rest

Jimby Grumpy and Jasper gardening

Such an easy job Grumpy had said. After all he had written all about doing it safely and what tools we needed and how much to charge Mick and Ann

Jimby Grumpy and Jasper gardening

There we are all done in next to no time and not even time for a cuppa.

Jimby Grumpy and Jasper gardening

Mole and the otters in the fountain think it is great with so much daylight around them. We didn't even get our tops dirty

Jimby and J.J. measuring the felt.

It was an early start and J.J. loved being able to use the knife and rule. We managed to get it all cut and ready before Mr Mick was about.

Jimby and J.J. play with the old felt

Then we played around with the old felt. Why is it called felt when it was more like rubber.


Jimby and J.J. up the ladder

A quick dash up the ladder to make sure all was ready for the new felt and no nails sticking out.

Jimby and J.J. relax with a drink

At the end of the morning we had finished and no sign of Mr Mick. So we thought we had earned a drink although we didn't realise the apple juice was an English alcholic drink called Cider. He. He. he.

Fountain Arrives

So the fountain arrived in a big black box and Grumpy helped me get it into the garage. Then we had a rest as usual while we worked out how to undo it.

Unpacking the fountain

Grumpy was very strong and tore all the paper off.

More unpacking the fountain

Then we had to have another rest and spent time working out what the little animals were who seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Jimby in the fountain

What a carry on but we managed to get it all sorted out and then found out the animals were Otters! They are a bit silly though as prefer the outdoors and rain to a nice comfy bed upstairs.

Grumpy in the fountain

Of course Grumpy had to mess about as well and nealry tipped the whole lot over.

Ann was so pleased and also a bit worried about how we connected the pump to the electrical supply. We are not that silly and left that for someone called an electrician.

Jimby and J.J. Spraying the fence

Fence Spraying

More of Jimby and J.J. Spraying fence

More Spraying

More of Jimby and J.J. Spraying fence

The finished Fence

Jimby and J.J. after spraying fence

A rest after work

Jimby and J.J. mowing

Jimby and J.J. Mowing the lawn