Peach Jimby Meets her PG Monkey
Thursday, March 01, 2007. Thank you!
Thank you! Thank you! And Happy March! In like a lion,
out like a lamb or in like a lamb, out like a lion? |

arrived last night in his new home and has been having
a ball! He's quite a cut-up! We took some pictures to
show his first few hours, settling in.
things first, posing for a group picture with me (Jimby
GP, of course) and Jimby Junior, who is going through
a Little Red Riding Hood phase at the moment. Say cheese!

thirsty after all that time without his cuppa, a quick
leg-up from his new friends.

over you go!

of PG Tips to go 'round, thanks to you, Jimby! (This
other monkey with us is Sleeping Monkey. She likes to
wrap her arms around me when she sleeps, which is all
the time, and it was past her bedtime! Shhhhhhhh!)

said a watched pot never boils?

later(Could be they knew what they were talking about.
Look the other way, Monkey!)

a refreshing cuppa with Grandma (who, by the way, thinks
PG Tips tastes great!), it's time to meet the rest of
the family! (That's Hugs and Kisses up front, with their
arms hooked together so they don't go missing from each
other. I mean, what's a hug without a kiss, right? OOOOOOO
and XXXXXXX to you!) That's Romancer behind Jimby Junior,
Sleeping Monkey to the right, me with Monkey in my lap
:, and ....what's that guy's name...can't remember right
now (need to check his nametag, I guess - he's very
pleasant, though, whatever his name, and helps the rest
of us not to fall off the bed at night). Then, there's
Valentine with his rose that he keeps giving away and
then taking back (the Indian-giver I've told you about).
Oh! And that's Rock'n'Roll Monkey in the back.

what a family it is! That's everybody from ZigZag on
the left to Schweetheart on the right.

just kept coming, all wanting their picture taken with
Monkey! Here are the twins (always getting into trouble,
those two), and many more in line for their picture
with the infamous Monkey!

me, Jimby MM, mailing myself to you, Mr. Mick and Miss
Ann! (Don't worry, Monkey talked me out of it.)

now, we're off to bed for a bit of sleep...
the rest of the family will cooperate!
out, everybody! Sweet dreams!
Monkey doesn't have Jet Lag!
-- Jimby GP