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James gets a Banana Book

I think I might have a parcel arrived but it is hard to understand a new language after only a few weeks in Jerusalem

I think I might have a parcel arrived but it is hard to understand a new language after only a few weeks in Jerusalem

I had it all looked at AND IT IS A PARCEL FOR ME!!!

I had it all looked at AND IT IS A PARCEL FOR ME!!!

Wow a book on Bananas from Jimby Mason and just what a needed for a read on a quiet Saturday.

Wow a book on Bananas from Jimby Mason and just what a needed for a read on a quiet Saturday.

Thought you better all have a close up of the book to save saying what it is about.

Thought you better all have a close up of the book to save saying what it is about.

Just a quick look for now and might need the banana to eat soon. Anyway is a Banana a Fruit or a Vegetable? See I have learnt something already. To be answered soon!

Just a quick look for now and might need the banana to eat soon. Anyway is a Banana a Fruit or a Vegetable? See I have learnt something already. To be answered soon!