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Jimby Tulsa meets his new PG Tips Monkey from the UK

James and PG Monkey

PG Monkey has his cuppa

Dear Cousin,

Monkeh has some funny t-shirts, and I can't believe he has a game show ( Hocus Pocus Game Show). He is quite the celebrity! (Though it looks like a racoon died on his head.) I played the game, and I got better as time went on. I wonder what kind of prize they will send me. I hope they hurry up.

I have attached two photos of Monkey settling in here in Tulsa. As you can see, he's enjoying a cuppa with an authentic English brown betty. One of the boys and I were sharing the pot with him. That other monkey is also an immigrant from England.

His name is Junglie, and he comes from London. His tag indicates that he comes from an address in Kensington, but Jay said that he was found in at the market in Covent Garden. I don't know where that is, however, since I've never been to England.

Jimby Tulsa