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Cousin Jasper Jimby

I am actually the eldest member of The Jimby Mason Family and try to keep all the others under control which is very hard at times. Now there are nine of us there are bound to be arguments but I try my best to sort things out as they say in Eastenders. He He He

Jasper Arrives

It was fun travelling in a cardboard carton

Jasper Arrives

What a relief though to get out and have a look around

Jimby Jasper Jimby and J.J.

A welcome from Jimby and J.J.

Jimby Jasper Jimby and J.J. with tops on

Fitted out with a new top

Jasper settles in

I love my top which I am told was bought especially for me from a Build a Bear Shop in London.

Jasper hides in the bushes

Pity I am not allowed to eat the leaves they look so juicy

jasper has a rest

Time to think about what to do next with all the others