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Cousin Joe Jimby

I am the latest member of the family to arrive and Ann says the last. However listening to all the chat I am not so sure as Jimby has all the passwords and is quite clever at times.

Jed and Joe in new jumpers

I am with Jed Jimby in our new jumpers knitted by Ann for Christmas 2007 but we got them early


Joe with the jumper half made

I couldn't wait to try it on

I was told off by Ann for making her wait and also perhaps stretching it a bit.

I was told off by Ann for making her wait and also perhaps stretching it a bit.

Joe sits in the flower pots

Think I might become a gardener as the tools in the shed look so dangerous.

Joe watches the others

Better keep Jimby happy and let him take another one.

Joe rests before playing

Found this quiet corner as Jimby was rushing around outside taking photographs of anything that moved!

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