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Jimby's in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

We Have a New Toy - A Camera

Hi everyone I am Ross

Hi everyone I am Ross


I'm Rosie and love dressing up.

I'm Rosie and love dressing up.

Hi, Jimby MM! Ross again. My mom got a new toy that we are trying out -- a digital camera! Now it will be easier to upload photos. We just wanted to test things out with these pictures. We hope you are doing well!

I really own the new camera

I'm Ritchie and not really one for dressing up but support The Pittsburgh Penguins and The Pittsburgh Steelers.

I'm Ritchie and not really one for dressing up but support The Pittsburgh Penguins and The Pittsburgh Steelers.

Alll three of us support the teams but Ritchie forgot to say The Penguins are our Ice Hockey team and The Steelers our American Football Team.

Alll three of us support the teams but Ritchie forgot to say The Penguins are our Ice Hockey team and The Steelers our American Football Team.

Christmas 2008 Message

Hello, Jimby MM and all you Jimbys out there! I hope you are all enjoying the holidays! I sure am. My brothers and sisters and I all get to be together at Grandmom and Granddad's house in south central Pennsylvania.

Miss Elizabeth is very happy to be here, too. I so enjoyed looking at pictures from everyone's recent travels. I am glad that you got to get together with Georgia Peach, Jimby MM! You certainly are a cute couple.

Congratulations to Franny on the Best Dressed Award -- and very well deserved! Miss Elizabeth and Mr. Bob are planning to have some Celtic touches in their wedding this coming May since both of them have Scottish and Irish ancestors. They even found Mr. Bob's family's tartan and are basing their color scheme off of it. I don't think Mr. Bob will be wearing a kilt, though. I wonder if I could find one!

Do Jimbys have a tartan? Well, I just wanted to say hello, catch up a bit, and send my siblings' and my holiday greetings to all of you and all your loved ones.

Take care, and a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Kwanzaa to you and yours!


The Jimbys from Pittsburgh

Here goes - We are the latest to join the Great Jimby Clan and are from the outskirts of Pittsburgh. Left to right is Reese Simian, Mary Tyler Monkey, Ritchie Robin Monkey, me (Ross Marcel), Bradley Rosebud Monkey, Rose Marie Monkey, and Stanley Simian.
Greetings from the outskirts of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA!

My mom was surfing the net and started shrieking from the next room. I was sitting on the couch with my brother and sister, watching tv with our mom's boyfriend, and we wondered what all the commotion was about. When Mom showed us, we ALL started shrieking! How exciting to find our relatives all across the globe!

I just realized I haven't introduced myself. My name is Ross Marcel Monkey, and I turned 12 in February. I love to play the drums, and I am a baseball pitcher. I also enjoy cooking...especially with bananas! (Banana fried rice is my specialty.)

I have four siblings; two live with me, and two live with our grandparents. We like to get together whenever possible, and sometimes we visit each other for a few weeks at a time. The rest of the gang is Mary Tyler Monkey, age 11, (American) football player extraordinare and fabulous pianist; Bradley Rosebud (Robert Oscar Sam Edward Benjamin Ulysses David) Monkey, age 10, avid fisherman and golfer and a quiet, gentle soul who plays bass, banjo, and low brass instruments; Rose Marie "Rosie" Monkey, age 10, fantastic ice skater, violinist,and sweet and shy; and Ritchie Robin Monkey, age 9, a madman on the basketball court and hockey rink and an awesome guitarist.

I'll include a picture of us with our cousins. Left to right, we are: Reese Simian, Mary Tyler Monkey, Ritchie Robin Monkey, me (Ross Marcel), Bradley Rosebud Monkey, Rose Marie Monkey, and Stanley Simian.

Take care,
Ross & the PA monkeys

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