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Jimby's in Sacramento Clothes

September 2008 Our family has grown a lot recently to 23 and now have heard we are the largest Jimby Family unless you know better. We love our clothes and get most from E Bay or a Charity Shop.

Here we all are except another three are on the way. Hee Hee Hee

Here we all are except another three are on the way. Hee Hee Hee

All the younger members of our family

All the younger members of our family

Another photo of the youger ones

Another photo of the younger ones

The Sacramento Jimby Family - Best Dressed Award

August 2008 We have just been voted The Best Dressed Jimby Family in The World by Jimby Mason (Who Else).

He has even put a larger and better photo of us linked to the smaller one.

Here is my "11". I can't believe you have 15 now Jimby ........I got busy and more on the way - but then I will only be up to 14.....and not all of them are large........oh my, what is a Jimby mom to do??????????

I have dressed most of mine in "Build A Bear" outfits. Also, they have a sportscar!!

Sacramento Jimby in Nascar Outfit

January 2008 I am getting ready to board the RV and drive to Scottsdale Arizona. Actually, I think I will let Dad drive and I will sit in the back with my buddy Dixie - my ten year old chihuahua/dachsund/terrier. She and I are good friends. She doesn't try to bite me or drag me around. She respects me for who I am--Sacramento Jimby---- I have attached a photo of me in my NASCAR outfit. There is a NASCAR track near Phoenix and I like to watch practice. NASCAR won't be in season while I am there...darn.....

We hope to go to Alice Cooper's great restaurant-- Cooperstown. I will let you know how things go on the trip!!!

Look a like Jimby from Buildabear

November 2007

Slight resemblance of the new buildabear -- monkey mvp -- to Jimby. The MVP monkey was just released a few months ago. It looks much better than their first 2 stuffed monkeys, I think they were copying Jimby's looks.


Look a like Jimby from Buildabear


Sir Jimby on his Steed

October 2007 - How about this then! I am trying to keep up with the Jimbys.............

Okay, I am giving each of them their own "theme".......I think this one is particularly grand!!

So far, I have 8 large Jimbys and am waiting on 2 more..........

This is Sir Jimby on his trusty steed Build A Bear Unicorn!!

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