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Jimby Sacramento Holiday in Texas and Arizona

Sacramento Jimby in Nascar Outfit

January 2008 I am getting ready to board the RV and drive to Scottsdale Arizona. Actually, I think I will let Dad drive and I will sit in the back with my buddy Dixie - my ten year old chihuahua/dachsund/terrier. She and I are good friends. She doesn't try to bite me or drag me around. She respects me for who I am--Sacramento Jimby---- I have attached a photo of me in my NASCAR outfit. There is a NASCAR track near Phoenix and I like to watch practice. NASCAR won't be in season while I am there...darn.....

We hope to go to Alice Cooper's great restaurant-- Cooperstown. I will let you know how things go on the trip!!!

November 2006 Hope I have saved my skin by getting Sacramento Jimby's pictures in at last of his trip in the trailer.

Hi There fellow Jimby! My mom and Dad bought a new travel trailer and took me and my dog Dixie along for a trip. We were in Dallas, Ennis, Fort Worth, all in Texas. We went to Las Cruces New Mexico; Tucson and Tempe Arizona.

We will stay in Tempe 5 nights and then move on to Palm Springs. Here are some pictures!! Two of me on oil well, which was a little scary. A little boy who lived at the park wanted to hold me. So I said okay-- but I felt he was trying to strangle me--hee hee. One of me sitting on our new trailer.


Jimby on an oil well

Jimby on an oil well

Friend holding Jimby

Jimby's Trailer

Jimby's from Sacramento

Hi There we are the Jimby's from Sacramento in California USA. We came across Jimby UK's website and had such a laugh at all the goings on and just had to send him our news.

It is such a funny Jimby site. So, I want to show you that I have 4 yes 4 Jimbys in 3 sizes. All by Russ. I have taken some pictures of them.

The two larger Jimby's -- the ones on the far right, you know Jimbys are conservative, any way the furthest one to the right is my honest Jimby.

The Jimby second from the right --- he is a liberal-- but not only he is a liberal, I think he must be counterfei, I have taken a picture of his tag and it is NOT the usual green one. It is a weirdly stitched white one.....

The other two are the Jimby smaller sizes from Russ that I purchased on eBay a long time ago and have not seen them again.

I think taking Jimby traveling is a very neat idea. We are picking up a new small travel trailer (sort of like an Air Stream on a diet) but less expensive. I know some of the people have their traveling monkeys/bears in pictures wherever they travel. Some clubs even have monkeys/bears that they trade around the club to show off the different places they go.

Well, I better sign off for now. I have a LOT more monkeys I will send you photos later. We all know that Jimbys are the most important. I tend to buy monkeys for their personality. My smallest monkey is 1 inch tall, he is so small, it is hard to find him........

Sacramento Jimby's Friends

I have also included a picture of Maxine the sock monkey. She thinks she is the important one and demands her picture taken. She also wanted to show you her collection of monkeys. Maxine does have sandals but hates to put them on as they fall off easily. Maxine is 23 inches tall standing --so you can get a feeling for the size of the small ones.

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