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History of The Jimby Smith Family

The Smith Jimby Family in Manchester

The whole Family but where are we all from. Unlike Jimby Mason we are mostly from England. So Remy Jimby Smith will explain all below

Hello there you lot!

us lot here.

just so you know, there are 11 of us in total now.

Jimby is the main man. he was the first one to come and live with the Smiths about 8 years ago. he is like the grandad of the troupe!
then there is jamby and he is jimby's younger brother and he is about 8 too.
then there is lenny. he is jimby and jambys cousin and he is 7. they all came from the same shop around the corner from here. Lenny is very sensitive and he spent every second of every day with Aimee, the smiths daughter, when she was in special care when she was young.

then benny arrived from the trafford centre about 4 years ago. Mrs Smith went to the teddy bear shop and asked if there were any Jimbys in the shop. the person in the shop said no but they would look in their warehouse and 4 weeks later they rang Mrs Smith to say that they had found Benny in there.

next came the rest of us from ebay. henny - he is the really little one, jenny, penny who then became kenny (thats a long story - he realised he was not a girl), denny, Zenny and me, Remy.
Zenny and me are the only ones from the US.
another jimby monkey was meant to be coming over from canada but she never arrived - i think she escaped from the box en route!

Then, last week, Nenny Bananas arrived from Leeds. he makes us laugh with his funny yorkshire accent.

so now we have enough for a football team!

happy travels!!!!!

Remy Jimby smith