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Jimby Smith Family in Manchester

Summer Holiday

Hi Jimby MM and pals,

Denny Jimby Smith here - I am one of the Manchester monkeys. hope you are all ok.

our troupe have had a busy summer so far.

myself and 2 of my brothers (Jamby and Kenny) went to Monkey World in Dorset and had a trip to the seaside in Bournemouth. I went into Glastonbury town too and had a nice drink of organic cola in a cafe called 'hundred monkeys'! luckily, i took the camera to capture the best bits of our adventures. the one of us at the seaside is us at Bournemouth. i am on the left, Kenny is in the middle and Jamby is on the right.

Meanwhile, our american cousin, Zenny had a week in London. i think he will send you an email himself about that.

So our photo's are below this so have fun looking at them.

bye bye for now!

Denny Jimby Smith

Denny and brothers in Bournemouth


Denny and brothers in Guest House ready for a good nights sleep

Guest House in Glastonbury

Denny reading the menu

100 Monkey Cafe Glastonbury

Denny drinking organic Cola

100 Monkey Cafe Glastonbury

Denny outside 100 monkey cafe

100 Monkey Cafe Glastonbury

Denney and brothers outside Monkey World

Monkey World Dorset

Denney and brothers outside Monkey World

Monkey World Dorset

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