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Jimby from London

I came across your site by accident. How clever you are to have created your own website! I had no idea that other humans were so passionate about us Jimby's and felt very pleased to know other Jimby's had such nice lives and were so well travelled too!

I myself am nearly eight years old. Since moving down to London from the North West I must admit I have found life very different in the big smoke compared to the country. I quickly learned my way around though and have mastered the technique of climbing the Canary Wharf towers with ease now! My parents got married last year and seeing them so happy, I thought it was about time I started the search for a Jimby Monkey girlfriend to settle down with!

Well, two weeks ago my Parents managed to find an American Jimby on ebay that Patty in California was trying to rehome (I think she has already written to you). SJ as we have decided to call her, arrived yesterday. She is still somewhat jet lagged but we are getting along very well. I can hardly believe I have an American internet bride! She is very fluffy and cute as can be.

We must have family all over the world, as well as all the wannabe Jimby's.
It's great to see distant relatives and find out what they're up to. I hope your site just keeps getting bigger as more Jimby fans find out about it.

Well I have to get off the computer now. My Parents quite rightly limit my surfing time! Take really good care of your Parents and JJ.

London Jimby  S

I hope I have the correct name as think this is Jimby (JS) London

London Jimby

Then this is London Jimby

London Jimby and JS

I know this is London Jimby and JS



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