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Jimby visits The London Eye

This was something I had been planning for several years but often because of the weather or crowds of humans I had failed at the last moment. So imaging my surprise when Mick and Ann actually took me along and there was no queue and the weather was OK. So my friends enjoy what is on offer and just for fun have put all the larger photographs on the page. Hope it works for you and if not just let me know.

Can you believe I am inside a Capsule

Can you believe I am inside a Capsule

The Houses of Parliament

The Houses of Parliament

I wasn't really worried   Looking East towards Vauxhall Bridge

                I wasn't really worried                       Looking East towards Vauxhall Bridge

Charing Cross Station or so I am told

Charing Cross Station or so I am told

Just wanted to show you the construction of a Capsule

Just wanted to show you the construction of a Capsule

See how brave I was

See how brave I was

Charing Cross Bridge

Charing Cross Bridge

Looking towards North London

Looking towards North London

The boats look really small now

The boats look really small now

I was waving to some small humans or rather children

I was waving to some small humans or rather children

Then I pretended I wasn't interested

Then I pretended I wasn't interested

Big Ben and below on the side the green tent where I went with Mick and An

Big Ben and below on the side the green tent where I went with Mick and Ann

It is the children again!

It is the children again!

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