I paid one of my many visits to The Build a Bear Shop
in Covent Garden I noticed an area all boarded up. As
an inquisitive Jimby I found out is was the London Transport
Museum or rather was as it was being renovated. I kept
an eye on it and in January 2009 noticed it had opened.
So what better than gently leading Mick and Ann in that
direction. Once inside I was free and managed to evade
any efforts to show me the exit.

Before going to the Museum I spent a
night in a Posh Hotel. Looks like No. 10 Downing street
the Prime Ministers House but is a room at The Jolly
St Ermin Hotel near to St James's Park.
Lucky I wasn't around in those days A
sign banning humans but not monkeys

These horses looked well cared for and happy

I even got to hold the reins on a horse drawn tram
and then have a ride

An old Underground Train

Then it was inside a newer Underground

This is getting more like the real ones I now travel

Then back in time again with a steam one

Lucky there was no one about as I sat on this train

was fun as long as it didn't drive off

didn't charge me for this taxi ride

old bus and a driver who liked me

lights and not a road in site

had to sit down

final ride in a bus