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Wash Day August 2009

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Time to get it all ready as it is so sunny outside for a change. Also the lads are feeling a bit sad as they have been told not to move so we know who everyone is. Suppose I would get the blame if anything goes wrong.


Just being careful not to wet my fur too much

Just being careful not to wet my fur too much

Well they look a little cleaner and brighter

Well they look a little cleaner and brighter

Now for the sun to do its work

Now for the sun to do its work

Wonder what the neighbours will think

Wonder what the neighbours will think

This is good just watching them all dry

This is good just watching them all dry

Now to get them ready for ironing

Now to get them ready for ironing

Don't worry GP I am just pretending

Don't worry GP I am just pretending

The Iron isn't switched on

At least I don't think it is

Now all back to normal although a few tops swopped hands along the way

Now all back to normal although a few tops swopped hands along the way


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