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Jimby visits Amerton Farm

A friend of Micks mentioned two Russ Monkeys at a place called Amerton Farm in Staffordshire. Only 56 miles from Melton Mowbray my home! Luckily I heard him also mention a garden centre, craft shop, tea room, railway and several other things.

So on The Internet I went and found The Amerton Farm Website Then I printed a map and left it laying around. Next thing we are in the car and off we go. Only one snag Mick had left the camera in a 'night shot' mode so I HAD TO DOCTOR THE PHOTOGRAPHS.


Jimby with PAddy The Engine

Lucky again because Paddy The Engine was being tested otherwise I would only see the engines on a weekend.

Paddy The Engine faces an Inspection

I wasn't allowed anywhere near it when the inspector came.

Paddy The Engine faces an Inspection

Wondered if it would start to move before I left.

Jimby waits for his train

Can be lonely on a railway station but great that the sun was shining

Jimby poses on sign fobidding trespass

Always like posing with a sign banning you from doing something you want to do.

Jimby sits on Paddy The Engine

The engineer let me sit on the front of Paddy!

Jimby sits on Paddy The Engine

What a fellow as I also sat on the middle


Jimby train watching

This is where the camera was wrong! IT WAS NOT ME!

The train is coming round the corner


Jimby at the ticket office

Thought you might like to see the ticket office


Jimby misses his train

Just woke up and missed the train!

Jimby train watching

Here it comes again

Jimby train watching

They are rather clever as they managed to stop it as well.

Jimby and Basful on the tractor

This is more like it. Hands on with a tractor. My new mate is Bashfull a Jelly Cat. Mick bought him when Ann wasn't looking.

Jimby and Basful on the tractor

More tractor work but it wouldn't move

Jimby meets a cow

The cow was quite nice but a bit too close at times.


Jimby train watching

Here it comes again