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Jimby in Atlanta 2007

In October 2007 I travelled again to Atlanta, Georgia in the USA. This time I had planned to meet my sweetheart Georgia Peach but sometimes things do not quite work out and our first meeting is now planned for 2008.

So what did I do out there. I took The Twins Jimmy and Jamie and also my trusty friend J.J. or Jimby Junior and flying out had to go in the hold with all the other baggage. Last time I did this I ended up in Paris for a weekend. Hmmmmmmmm. that is another story.

We had a trip out to the Zoo, the Aquarium, Outside The Coca Cola Centre (where I was chatted up by a nice lady who was guarding the place, don't worry GP she was too old for me). Also I kind of made friends with THE KAT at Ann and Mick's relatives where we stayed. James Jimby in Tulsa had warned me not to look KATS in the eye as he had a narrow escape recently

So more photographs of my escapades.

gatwick Airport Hotel

Last look at our hotel at Gatwick Airport

Jimby meets another funny monkey

What a funny fellow he is!

jimby and J J with their Monkey Bread Mix

We buy some Monkey Bread Mix

Atlanta Aquarium

Funny fish at Atlanta Aquarium

Atlanta Aquarium

Even more of them

Atlanta Aquarium

The Twins do not see the fish behind them

Atlanta Aquarium

Jamie they are behind you

Atlanta Aquarium

The otters watch Jamie

Atlanta Aquarium

Someone watching Jimmy

Atlanta Aquarium

The twins mess about

Atlanta Aquarium

The twins wish their Coca Cola would come

Atlanta Aquarium

Has he got the twins drink?

First night in Atlanta

First night in Atlanta

All on the car

How do we get in?

All on the car

No key at the back either

All on the car

We wait until they come back

Jimby meets The Kat

I was warned about THE KAT

Jimby meets The Kat

I remember - don't look him in the eye

Has he gone

Has he gone?

I like Jimby

I really like Jimby and the gang

Fun on a bird feeder

Where are the birds?

where are the birdds

Better without Jimby and J.J.

Fun without the twins

Fun without the twins

A sad farewell

A sad day as I look at the plane home and no GP to see me go.

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