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Converse Live 2005 Leicester Racecourse April 13th 2005

Jimby with Ahmed

It was nice for me to meet Ahmed and his brother-in-law as I knew Mick used to see them at the Moving On bowel cancer support group at the Leicester Royal Infirmary. His display for the charity Beating Bowel Cancer is behind them. I was rather nervous as this was my first public appearance and there were some very nice people about.

Jo on the Amcare stand

Time for me to look around and Jo on the Convatec Amcare stand was soon bowled over by my charm and more about her later on. Mick gets his stoma supplies from Amcare so was nice to see them.

Mick on Beating Bowel Cnacer stand

I found Mick actually doing some good as he chatted about the Beating Bowel Cancer Booklet - Your Choices on their stand. Looked a pair of posers I thought but there you are can't all be like me.

Looking at samples

One of the things which I enjoyed was looking to see what free samples I could get for Mick. It was great that people are around to help you with any problems you might have but I preffered to look myself at what Opus Healthcare had to offer. Mick was a bit cross and explained what he needed before I was caught.

Jimby helping Beating Bowel Cancer

Just had to get on the Beating Bowel Cancer stand. Mick was away looking at the racecourse so lucky I was there

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