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Jimby (James but I prefer Jimby) from Tulsa

Berlin 2006 Page One

I got back from Germany a few days ago. Berlin is very interesting. Jimby has added the photos to show you what I did. Of course, we went to the Brandenburg Gate, and I saw the Reichstag.

There is a big TV tower in central Berlin and some beautiful buildings that are art museums. I hope I do not upset any Jimby's from Germany but I had heard about The State Library of Berlin (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin), so I went to check it out. It's a big, ugly, modern building with a lot books. I'm not sure what's so special about it.

I walked around the city and saw all sorts of interesting things.

I saw some bears in the park. They weren't in the zoo. They were just in a neighborhood park. Then I kept seeing shops with bananas in the window. I decided to check this out in closer detail. One place had an exhibit called Affentheater, "Monkey Theater." That's for me! So, I went in and got information.

It turns out that it was a museum exhibit on the history of the zoo. I also had my photo taken with two giants who were in a park. The one sitting down is named Karl Marx. I didn't remember him being one of the Marx brothers. They say he was an economist of sorts and not a comedian. He didn't look very funny to me.

Berlin has a lot of neat things going: bears, bananas, monkey theater, interesting buildings. It's fun -- a little dirty -- but fun.

Jimby looking at the bananas on windows


Jimby looking at the bananas on windows

These are the the windows with the Bananas on.

Jimby looking at the Berlin Bears

The Berlin Bears

Jimby at The Brandenburg gate

Near The Brandenburg Gate

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