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Jimby (James but I prefer Jimby) in Chicago

Dear Cousin,

I had a swell time in Chicago. It's a neat city, but very windy. In fact, the weather was downright cold for spring (around 50 degrees Fahrenheit during the day).

As you can see, I toured Frank Lloyd Wright's home and studio. I went to the birth house of Ernest Hemingway. I got to see what people in Chicago call "The Picasso." And I saw The Cloud. It's what passes for public art these days. If you look closely, you'll see that one photo is a reflection of me and not a direct shot. There's also photos of the The Cloud from a distance. I even went to Frontera Grill, one of the most famous restaurants in Chicago, but I wasn't allowed to have my photo taken!

I'm still recovering from the trip. So, I hope to write more later. Meanwhile, I have a new cousin. I'm not sure what his name is. I think that it might be Fuzzy or Pinky, based on the hue of fur.

Jimby Tulsa


The Bean

The Bean!

Cloud Gate -- referred to by locals as "The Bean", for obvious reasons -- is a public sculpture by talented British artist Anish Kapoor. Cloud Gate weighs in at over 110-tons, and is 66 feet long and 33 feet high. "The Bean" was created using a huge number of individual stainless steel plates -- Cloud Gate's seamless surface is the result of thousands of hours of polishing.

That is the official description

I am on The Bean!! Rather small but it is rather large even for a Jimby.

I am on The Bean!! Rather small but it is rather large even for a Jimby.

On The Bean again

That's a bit larger of me.

The Picasso behind James

The Picasso

The Chicago Picasso, an unpainted, three-dimensional, cubist sculpture standing 50 feet tall and weighing 162 tons, is made of Corrosive Tensile ("Cor-Ten") steel, the same material used to build the Daley Center. The steel is designed to form a protective coating of iron oxide (rust) which protects the substrate from further corrosion. It is obvious, from examining the surface in 2007, nearly 40 years after installation, that this steel is eminently suited to an urban environment.

The birth house of Ernest Hemingway

The birth house of Ernest Hemingway

Frank Lloyd Wright's home and studio

Frank Lloyd Wright's home and studio.

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