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Jimby (James but I prefer Jimby) from Tulsa

Europe Christmas 2007

I had a great week in Europe just before Christmas 2007. I saw The Eifel Tower and also had fun at The Belgian Cartoon Museum in Brussels. To think I was only two hours away from Cousin Jimby by the new faster Eurostar Train. Wouldn't we have had fun then!!

James in Paris

Place de la Concord with some very symmetrical buildings. That's me in the foreground

James in Paris

Place de la Concorde, the Obelisk, and the Eiffel Tower in the background. It was a bit wet but who cares when you are having fun.

James Eifel Tower Paris

The Eiffel Tower in Paris. A bit taller than the one you have in Blackpool Cousin Jimby. Couldn't even see the top because of the mist.

james at the Belgian  Cartoon Museum

Swinging doors to Lucky Luke's western saloon at the Belgian cartoon museum. Thought I was back in Oklahoma or a changing room at a swimming bath

James with a Smurf in Brussels

A Smurf at the Belgian cartoon museum. Quite a big fellow but he was quite nice.

james on a rocket at the Cartoon Museum in Brussels

Tintin's rocket to the moon at the Belgian cartoon museum. Lucky for me it didn't take off whilst I was there.

James on a Citreon Car

Finally a car that is about the right size for me. My very own Citroen.

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