Georgia Tech 14 Iowa 24 in The Orange Bowl College
Hee Hee Hee Jimby MM supports GT
I hope you and the Mason family were not too upset.
Since my human mistress is from Iowa, we had to
root for the Iowa Hawkeyes. Iowa is famous for its
porkers. (Not pork pies like Melton Mowbray but
the living, pre-pie pigs. The jumper is from her
high school: Hoover High School. As you can see,
we are still working on an Apple computer. My own
computer has computer swine flu or some other virus.

The Iowa Hawkeyes Logo

another four-legged creature has been roaming the
snow. He is a red panda. He looks like a housecat
or a raccoon in my opinion, but I think he's some
exotic animal from China.

Not sure what he does all day but leaves plenty
of paw trails

I also wonder why he looks so smug and superior
as if he has one over on me.

Have you ever seen your life flash
before your eyes? That's what happened to me today.
The neighbor cat came over. We we're sitting nice
together, and then she got ahold of me.

I've attached two photos of the
guilty party. Luckily, my human pal saved me from
a feline fate! Boy, I was really scared.