was frightening at The Castle Museum. I was just sitting
about and all these soldiers were behind me from something
called the Civil War. Luckily Mick said they were
models and I relaxed a little.

fun in an old shop sitting on the scales

heard that Gypsies lived in this caravan and it was
so colourful and pretty.

back to the railway and what I thought was some junk!
Mick was most upset and explained it was the chassis
of The Flying Scot being overhauled. Then I remembered
on the way from Peterborough to York I saw a board
at the side of the track saying how fast it had gone
and broken some speed record. Hope it had some wheels

have sat on this one but I knew it was old and important
from the Internet and was one of the first steam engines.
Wonder if there are any monkeys called Rocket.

end at York Station. So many platforms and so long.
I never get lost though as use all my skills finding
the right train.
a time I had and can't wait for our next trip. Might
be a day in London or Leeds wherever that is.
for Now Jimby UK MM